Thursday, February 4, 2010

A question of ethics

I was born with a curious mind.  From the time I could talk, I was always asking a lot of questions. In my given profession, asking questions is a great way to open the door to growth without offending anyone. 

Think about it.  There is no ego or judgment in asking a question.  The answer, on the other hand, may cause discomfort but only if the question hits a nerve that requires exploration.  Questions are a useful way to stimulate healing and growth without passing judgment or imposing your will upon others.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Do you look through the softened lenses of love or the cold, hard lenses of judgment?"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

77 years just isn't long enough.

The average human lifespan is approximately 77 years.  Regardless of health factors, physical location and spiritual belief, in my opinion, that just isn't very long.  Nevertheless, I watch people all the time 'rushing here' and 'hurying to go there.' I often wonder what the big rush is?  Afterall, the self-imposed stress of all that 'rushing' is only going to limit their already short lifespan. the way, where are they really going?

Slow down.  Be still.  Enjoy.  What is important in this life is not the fancy house, big promotion or holiday sale.  Living fully in each moment, revelling in the miracle of your own life and experiencing all that this amazing world has to offer is where you need to focus your energy. 
So, do what you love, have lunch with the girls, leave work early and play with your son, restyle your hair, open the dusty bottle of wine, change jobs, move to the ocean, take a stroll in nature or whatever you have been avoiding or making excuses not to do.  LIVE.  Life is a beautiful thing and we are supposed to be involved in it not running through it or away from it.

On that note, the quote of the day is:

"Take a Leap of Faith and let your path unfold before you."